If only I knew before that oven baked feta cheese was so tasty yet so easy to make, I wouldn’t have waited for so long before to make some. Baking it in the oven considerably changes its texture, it becomes almost soft and easily spreadable on a piece of bread or some toasts. This recipe of baked feta cheese with grapes & honey is perfect as aperitive or a side, and you can decline it depending the season and fresh products you have on hand. To start the autumn, I thought that black grapes would fit well with honey for a sweet & sour recipe. Grapes bring some sourness while honey soften the dish, and aromatic herbs bring deeper flavours.
Like many other people apparently, I like autumn for the richness of seasonal products, the desire to stay warm and cosy and take time for ourselves. But I also have to say that I didn’t see this summer passing by, which always leaves a bitter sweet taste. Here, autumn is also the moment when you start to prepare yourself mentally for the darker months when sky is grey most of the time until March. If berliners are enjoying summer at its fullest, it’s for a good reason! On my side, I clearly balance it by indulging into food, everyone has their weaknesses. And to be honest, the fact that raclette season is starting soon adds a positive point to the landscape – baked feta works, too – !
Plus de recettes à la feta:
Chickpea patties with mushrooms & spinach
Quinoa salad with baby spinach, pomegranate, feta & grapes
- 1 block of feta cheese
- 2tbsp honey
- 2tbsp olive oil
- 1 bunch of black grapes (Muscat type)
- A few sprigs of fresh thyme + rosemary
- Salt & pepper
- 1. Preheat oven to 180C.
- 2. Place the block of feta cheese in an oven dish. Top with honey, olive oil, add grapes all around, a few sprigs of fresh thyme & rosemary. Salt, pepper and put in oven at 180C for about 25 minutes. Eat warm with crusty bread, crackers, or along with a salad.