This apple, beetroot and turmeric anti-inflammatory juice is one of my very first juices made with my new juicer. I have to admit that I don’t buy juices so often, first because I don’t feel the need to drink juice everyday, but also because store-bought fruit juices taste so different than the homemade ones and are sometimes full of preservatives or added sugars. While making my own apple juice, I really had the feeling to discover how real apple juice tastes like.
The main difficulty when making its own juice is to watch out to not create a bomb of sugar. One glass of juice requires either fruits or veggies that are rich in water or a shit load of fruits to juice. Then you can easily end-up with one glass of juice made from 3 or 4 apples, which means that even if it’s natural sugars, you just exploded your ideal sugar daily intake while drinking this not-so-healthy glass of morning juice. One solution to avoid that kind of situation is to replace one part of fruits by veggies. When I’m making smoothies for instance, I always freak out to screw the main taste because of adding too many weird tasting veggies, but if you choose some that are full of water, like cucumber, the taste will actually be barely perceptible.
One of the big qualities of this apple, beetroot and turmeric anti-inflammatory juice is the fact that main of the ingredients are as the juice name tells it, anti-inflammatory. Beetroots, cucumbers, turmeric and ginger are well-known to reduce inflammatory body reactions and blood pressure. Beyond being vitamin K packed, cucumber, as well as beetroot and turmeric, are powerful anti-oxydants. I also added a pinch of freshly ground black pepper in my anti-inflammatory juice in order to enhance the absorption of curcumin, which is the main component of turmeric and actually the source of all its benefits.
In spite of still containing 15g of natural sugars – see, when I was talking about the glass that can easily explode your daily sugar intake… -, the benefits of this apple, beetroot and turmeric anti-inflammatory juice make it pretty interesting for the body, even more for people who usually struggle to eat their daily dose of greens. One of the disadvantages of making own juices is the amount of pulp that gets rejected by the juicer. I usually try to not waste any of it by adding it into crepes, pancakes, or other batters. Not so many nutrients are usually left into the pulp, but it’s at least full of fibers!
- 1 organic apple (±120g)
- 1/2 organic cucumber (±125g)
- 80g peeled beetroot
- 1tsp fresh turmeric
- 1/2tsp fresh ginger
- 1/2tsp lemon juice
- One pinch of black pepper
- 1. Cut in pieces apple, cucumber and beetroot. Put in your juicer with peeled fresh ginger and turmeric, then let magic happen and juice it.
- 2. Add lemon juice and ground black pepper directly into your glass, stir and serve immediately.
If drinking little pieces don't bother you, you can also grate the ginger and turmeric and add them directly into your glass of juice. Thus, you take everything in!