In my desperate attempts – dramatic music – to catch-up with all the delay I accumulated over summer, I’m sharing this grapefruit curd basil ice-cream recipe that I realised a few weeks ago. Yes, summer is not completely over yet and that’d be sad to waste all this basil you’ve made grow with love during summer ;)
In my case it was the first time that I used an ice-cream machine – after a half-failed chocolate gelato the week before, because I didn’t let it freeze correctly -, and it’s pretty simple once you got the trick.
All the basil lovers out there might love this recipe; the most suspicious ones will definitely appreciate the grapefruit curd on top that brings an interesting touch and breaks the monotony of basil taste, which could also make you feel like eating a pesto ice-cream. According to my boyfriend, this ice-cream reminds the taste of Weißwurst. I still don’t know how to take it, but it seems that it didn’t stop him to dig into the ice-cream with me.
The grapefruit curd basil ice-cream does wonders when eaten alone, just to refresh your taste buds at the end of a meal, but you can also dress it with a good old basic cake, which is not too complex, gustatorily speaking.
Grapefruit Curd Basil Ice-Cream
- 0.5L milk
- 200g single cream
- 140g sugar
- 5 egg yolks
- 50g fresh basil
- 70g sugar
- 1 egg
- Zest + juice of one grapefruit
- 1. Prepare the ice-cream batter: heat the milk and cream in a pan on low heat. In the meantime, beat egg yolks and sugar until the mixture whiten.
- 2. Stir regularly the milk mixture in the pan, then remove from fire when it's hot. Pour into the egg/sugar mixture and stir well, then warm it again on low fire.
- 3. Stir regularly and let cook until the texture gets ticker, more or less like a custard. Turn off fire, then cool down while stirring from time to time.
- 4. Bring to a boil a pan of salted water to blanch basil. Pour the fresh basil leaves into it for 15 seconds, then put them directly into a bowl of ice to stop the cooking process. Strain them well, cut them finely and add them into the cooled ice-cream batter. Cover and let infuse in fridge overnight.
- 5. Prepare the grapefruit curd: grate the grapefruit zest, then squize its juice into a glass. In a pan, mix sugar and egg together, then add grapefruit zest and juice. Heat the mixture on low fire until it thickens. Remove from the stove and cool down before to put in the fridge overnight as well. You can also blend it quickly if you want it very smooth.
- 6. On the next day, filter the ice-cream batter in order to remove the basil leaves. Turn on the ice churner for a few minutes - you have to put the ice compartment in the freezer the day before - , then pour the ice-cream batter into it. Churn the basil ice-cream until it takes the right consistency, then pour it into a mould. With the curved side of a spoon, draw some furrows on the ice-cream surface and pour the grapefruit curd onto them. Freeze for at least 4h before to eat.
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