How many of you’ve ever tried Spirulina, managed to not spit it everywhere, then promised to themselves to not eat any ever? Hmm, that’s what I thought… Well, I have good news, you won’t have to pinch your nose anymore while drinking your glass of Spirulina with my energizing spirulina smoothie recipe! That would be sad to miss all the Spirulina benefits because of its “so not sexy” characteristics…- come on, have you never heard about “inner beauty”? -. I swear, this smoothie doesn’t stink and doesn’t taste like fish food, only nice banana, cinnamon and peanut butter flavours! Its colour is still weirdo, but you get used to it & it seems we’re in the perfect timing of year for some detox healthy stuff ;)
Post-winter holidays detox is actually not the reason why I decided to share this Spirulina smoothie recipe with you. I usually try to use this seaweed to complete my daily alimentation & fight against extended tiredness periods. I started to use Spirulina during my apprenticeship year in Paris. Managing simultaneously my last year of Master’s, work and metro-boulot-apéro-dodo rhythm started to get pretty complicated at some point, and it was common for me to wake-up and still feel exhausted. I took habit to drink a load of coffee, but the usual one daily cup turned fast into 3 to 4/day – aah, start-up life and unlimited access to coffee…-. When you know that I turn quite unbearable after 2 cups, I let you imagine the evening desaster when I get 3 or 4…
I recently started again this good old habit without really noticing – you know, you start with 1 cup, then after a few days you need twice more to stay at the same level of shape…-, meanwhile I was starting to drag myself to work without any energy. Then I remembered this good old organic Spirulina box I let rust in a corner since way too long. At the end, I opted for pinching my nose again and drink my stinky, weirdo glass of spiralina water instead of keeping drinking coffee. Well at least before to get the idea of this spirulina smoothie!
With a 2 teaspoon serving/day (±6g), Spirulina cures are recommended for sporty people and runners who tend to lose iron during trainings, as well as for people having anaemia & tiredness. Even though I watch out what I’m eating, I know that I don’t consume enough iron compared to my physical activity. So that kind of alimentary complement is much welcomed!
The other spirulina benefits are many, as it’s packed with vitamins & antioxydants. My spirulina smoothie also contains banana for vitamin C, which helps to better assimilate spirulina nutrients. But you can also use another fruit instead. Rather opt for some organic spirulina with a controlled origin, then you’re sure to not take a product full of bullshits & pesticides. I usually use spirulina powder or flakes, it’s easier to integrate to recipes, and the product is more concentrated and pure. I’m using this one, which is great so far!
And as we are right in the middle of resolutions period, here are some of mine, more or less related to food & to this blog, which I will probably never follow. Okay, let’s say New Year’s goals:
√ Practicing yoga again (yoga), or starting boxing, I haven’t chosen yet. Instead of calming my nerves in my plate.
√ Stopping to eat dinner at 22h. Or 23h. Or midnight, too. Aah, this tendency to always postpone things when you’re busy…crazy.
√ Finding a right balance with my running training, then maybe I would avoid to get tendonitis all the time.
√ Developing this blog further, in a more “professional” way.
√ Respecting myself and think first about myself before always thinking about others. 2016 was a very enriching year during which I learned A LOT, mainly professionally speaking. But it was also hard.
√ Drinking water, because I’m not a camel yet, even though I something try to convince myself about it.
√ Putting a bit more of “me” into this blog, to make it more alive. Who likes robots? :)
√ Using & linking more my alimentation to my physical, hormonal & psychological shape. Getting a bit deeper into holistic nutrition.
- 1/2 ripe banana
- 250mL oat milk
- 2tsp Spirulina flakes (6g)
- 1tsp peanut butter
- 1tsp Chia seeds
- 1/2tsp cinnamon
- 1tsp cacao nibs
- 1tsp pollen
- 1 pinch of your favorite seeds
- 1. Add sliced banana, spirulina flakes, peanut butter, chia seeds & cinnamon powder in a blender bowl. Pour oat milk and mix until you get homogeneous and creamy smoothie.
- 2. Pour smoothie in a glass, then sprinkle with raw cacao nibs, pollen and your favorite seeds.
Watch out! Spirulina doesn't only stink, it also stains!

Valentina | The Baking Fairy
School is just about to start again for me, and I’m totally a coffee-dependent so I am so curious to try out spirulina! I keep hearing about its health benefits but I didn’t know it was also energizing :) This smoothie sounds delicious and I have to say I kind of love the color!!
It can be so beneficial on long-term, and packed with so many nutrients! The seaweed itself is not really attractive, but when you can’t feel its taste or smell it’s totally worth it :)
Organic Spirulina Manufacturers
Thanks for Sharing the amazing health energizing smoothie, organic spirulina is one of the best natural energy booster multivitamin supplement having lots of health benefits.