The last time I made chocolate mousse was probably around an eternity ago. Even though I love that, the idea of having to sacrifice so many eggs for finally devouring the mousse in such a small time makes me fairly lazy. The idea of this raw chocolate & lavender mousse was ripening in my head since a while, mostly since I started to experiment making 100% homemade raw chocolat, with cacao butter, raw cacao powder and a ton of other cool things going with the flow. My small bag of dried lavender flowers that I bought by weakness in one of the Berlin Markthalles – Weakness n*1: I’ve always had the annoying tendency to have an easy spending and the wallet on fire when it comes to spend time in a Markthalle full of fresh/colourful/unaffordable/perfectly promoted products in order to attract all the dupes; Weakness n*2: by extension of the weakness n*1, I regularly let ripen in a corner those “soooo useful” products until finally remembering that I bought them, a few months later – what I was saying again? Oh yeah, my small bag of dried lavender flowers that I bought by weakness in one of the Berlin Markthalles could have not been more useful than for this recipe.
I rather wanted to make a healthy chocolate mousse, and was first thinking to make chocolate mousse basis with whipped chickpea juice. Then I remembered that the final texture of this version, even though vegan and very light, isn’t as firm as a traditional chocolate mousse. Then who says homemade raw chocolate also says…wait for it… low in sugar! – no seriously, does it still surprise you?! -. I was quite careful that time because I know how bitter can taste homemade raw chocolate, that’s why I added one spoon maple syrup to sweeten the mousse, while praying that it would be enough. At the end I got a white light chocolate mousse with an aerated feeling even more present as the sugar wasn’t here to bring the usual heaviness sensation. The taste of lavender is here – be careful still to not push too much on its quantity, at the risk of getting a bitter taste – and surprisingly gives an “After-eight” minty touch to the mousse. But don’t be mistaken, too much lightness kills the lightness, that’s why I took the liberty to add a little touch of fat by making a coconut whipped cream to top the whole ;)
- 100g cacao butter
- 4 eggs
- 3 tbsp raw cacao powder
- 2 tsp dried lavender flowers
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 pinch of sugar
- 1 pincée de sel
- 200ml coconut milk
- 100% cacao dark chocolat shavings
- 1. Prepare the raw chocolate & lavender mousse: in a small pan, bake the cacao butter, the raw cacao powder, the maple syrup & the dried lavender flowers on a low heat. Turn off the fire once the sauce is homogeneous and let infuse for 5-10 extra minutes.
- 2. Separate the eggs. Filter the chocolate sauce in order to take off the dried lavender flowers. Add the egg yolks to the chocolate and stir well.
- 3. In a cold salad bowl, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Half the way, add a pinch of sugar to help the egg whites setting.
- 4. Once the egg whites are well whipped up, add 1/3 of lavender chocolate and stir delicately with a spatula. Incorporate in 2 times the egg whites left, and keep stirring until to get a frothy and homogeneous texture.
- 5. Pour the raw chocolate & lavender mousse into small bowls and let rest in the fridge for a few hours.
- 6. Prepare the coconut whipped cream: pour the cold coconut milk into a salad bowl and whip it with an electric whipper until to get a very creamy and aerial texture.
- 7. Before to serve, top each raw chocolate mousse with a few coconut whipped cream, then sprinkle some 100% cacao dark chocolate shavings on it.